Properties of Matcha tea

Die verschiedenen Qualitäten von Matcha, machen es besser oder schlechter Eigenschaften haben, basierend auf seiner Konzentration, Anbaumethoden oder Herkunft.

Rich in beneficial components for health

Matcha tea provides a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It has very beneficial properties for health, such as the reduction of blood pressure, cholesterol reduction, reduction of lipid absorption, liver protection, help in prevention against certain types of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and help to regulate insulin.

Thanks to its concentration of L-Theanine and Caffeine, it improves neuronal and physical efficiency.

Matcha is rich in antioxidants and contains Vitamins A, B2, C, D, E, K, potassium, proteins, calcium, iron and chlorophyll, components that protect against the harmful free radicals responsible for aging and tissue deterioration.

Antioxidants also speed up metabolism and control blood sugar level, lowering cholesterol.

ORAC Comparison

ORAC is a method to measure the absorption capacity of oxygen radicals, that is, the antioxidant capacity of a food. 1 gram of matcha contains 1384 ORAC units, 137 times more antioxidants than a conventional green tea, 53 times more than spinach, 14 times more than blueberries and 5 times more than Goji Berries.

While with an infusion of green tea you consume between 10% and 20% of the nutrients, when drinking matcha tea you absorb 100% of the nutrients.

Eine Energiequelle, die die Konzentration und das Wohlbefinden erhöht

As matcha is digested, caffeine molecules bind to larger stable molecules such as catechins. This molecular binding slows the passage of caffeine into the blood, thus counteracting the usual side effects of caffeine. Specifically, it inhibits the release of cortisol, which is the stress hormone and the storage of fat in the body, so matcha does not cause anxiety, nervousness or affect sleep in the same way as coffee.

Matcha contains a large number of amino acids, such as L-Theanine that have the effect of generating a calm-alertness state. It facilitates concentration and increases memory by reducing anxiety as well as improving mood.

L-Theanine and caffeine found in matcha work in synergy to produce a state of concentrated energy that can last up to 6 hours.

Komponenten und Eigenschaften


Antioxidative Eigenschaften, Senkung des Cholesterinspiegels, Körperfett und Blutdruck, Vorbeugung von Karies durch antibakterielle Wirkung, Bekämpfung der Grippe, Regulierung des Blutzuckers und Bekämpfung von Mundgeruch.


Erhöht die Wachsamkeit, steigert die Widerstandsfähigkeit, verhindert Kater und hat eine harntreibende Wirkung.


Schützt Nervenzellen, fördert Entspannung durch Alpha-Wellen und senkt den Blutdruck.

Vitamine und Mineralien

Wirken als Antioxidantien, fördern gesunde Haut, Kollagenproduktion und Schleimhäute, erhalten das Nachtsehen, regulieren den Blutdruck und regulieren biologische Funktionen

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